discipleshipThis circuit is committed to the aims of “A discipleship movement shaped for mission” and seeks in its strategic planning and daily ministry, lay and ordained, to welcome and engage with people of all ages, without discrimination and irrespective of faith or no faith.

Within the thirteen churches that make up the circuit, we seek to increase awareness of God’s presence and to celebrate, within a variety of worship styles, God’s unconditional love.

We aim to help people to grow together and learn from each other, as we explore faith and spirituality in a variety of contexts.

The circuit is passionate about community outreach, demonstrated by the projects which have been initiated and are run collaboratively during the week in order to meet a variety of spiritual, social, additional and emotional needs.

What is Discipleship



Although there are many definitions of discipleship, at its most basic discipleship is a response to a call, the call to follow Jesus. Like Matthew at the tax booth, or Peter at his fishing nets, disciples hear the invitation to follow Jesus and choose to respond. The response is enabled by God's own Spirit, who whispers the call into the hearts of all and gives those who respond the power to do so. Discipleship rests on grace, on the gift of God who "desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4).

Since it is God who calls us, discipleship embraces all our lives - our personal habits and public commitments, our work lives and home lives, our thoughts and our actions. There is nothing that we do, and no part of who we are, that is beyond the call of Jesus. God stakes a claim over every part of our lives.

Discipleship is also a life-long process. We are never 'done' with discipleship, as it involves the ongoing formation of our lives into being like Jesus. While we should hope to deepen our commitment and grow in the grace of loving God and neighbour, this is a journey that continues into eternity.

Discipleship is always a journey with others. Jesus called disciples into a community, a community that acts as 'salt of the earth' and a 'light of the world' (Matthew 5:14-16). Following Jesus' resurrection, the community became the church that shared in prayer, the breaking of bread, and radical hospitality (Acts 2:43-47). Although discipleship is always a personal call, it is never a private one. God calls us to be with others, and so being church is part of following Jesus.

More can be found about Discipleship and Methodism on the Methodist website

discipleshipConnecting with the wider Church : Sometimes 'Church' can seem quite small when we're only thinking about our own fellowship and location. It's good sometimes to see what's happening elsewhere, as it might offer inspiration for our own mission and vision. Follow this link to find some of what is currently happening within the wider Methodist Church in the UK and further afield.